

« From a young age, I have been fascinated by the world of art. At the same time, I have always been attracted to science. That’s why the Conservation of Artwork has become obvious to me. The proximity between the conservator and the work of art, as well as the scientific research induced by its particular needs, echoed my two passions.
Because of my interest in science, I chose to specialize in the conservation of modern and contemporary works. Indeed, the conservation of modern (after 1950) and contemporary art requires special attention and constant adaptation to offer optimal treatment.

The restoration of a modern work as a subject of my Master thesis has confirmed my whist to continue in this direction. This desire has been supported by many internships in this particular field, in France but also abroad (Italy and the Netherlands), where the techniques used are different. During these years I specialized particularly in cleaning modern and contemporary paintings. »




    Atelier CROMA
    Conservator of old modern and contemporary artwork 
    September 2023 – Present
    Paris, France

    Atelier Nouvelle Tendance
    Conservator of easel painting – modern and contemporary artwork 
    November 2022 – August 2023
    Paris, France


    Master in Conservation of easel painting at École de Condé, state-recognized training.
    October 2022


    Co.Art srl
    Conservator of easel painting, frescos ans sculpture – old and modern artwork
    July 2022 – September 2022 (3 month)
    Genova, Italy

    Structural and Pictural treatment of oil painting. Pictural treatment of frescos.
    Consolidation and cleaning of terra-cotta sculptures painted with oil painting of the Cappella del Sacro Monte of Domodossola (UNESCO world heritage).


    Workshop : Emulsion for Surface Cleaning and Removal of Film Forming Materials
    Dr. Paolo Cremonesi
    May 2022
    Amersfoort, the Netherlands

    Teacher of a workshop on the French glue paste technics
    May 2022
    The Hague, the Netherlands

    For Restauratoren Netherlands association.


    Restauratieatelier Marjan de Visser
    Conservator of easel painting – modern and contemporary artwork 
    Mach 2022 – May 2022 (3 month)
    The Hague, the Netherlands

    Cleaning of modern painting with the Modular Cleaning Program of Chris Stavroudis, dry cleaning of a contemporary artwork, structural treatment structural consolidation of highly lifted impastos of a modern oil painting.


    Honorary award, 2021, Science, Belles-Lettres and Art of Lyon’s Academy

    For the conservation of apainting by Antoine Coypel, «Thomyris receiving the head of Cyrus», copy after Rubens, and three portraits of Academicians.


    Atelier Nouvelle Tendance
    Conservator of easel painting – modern and contemporary artwork
    June 2021 – July 2021 (2 month)
    Paris, France


    Florence Guillemin
    Conservator of easel painting – modern and contemporary artwork
    November 2019 (1 month)
    Lyon, France

    Conservation of contemporary and mixed-media art.


    Co.Art srl
    Conservator of easel painting
    August 2019 – September 2019 (2 month)
    Genova, Italy

    Conservation of easel painting, gilded and polychromed frames.
    Exhibition closure.

    Code of Ethics




    Respect for the values of the work